Arriya Kingrey

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No box is actually required...

There are some very intricately constructed boxes we can live in.

We can choose to hold all the pieces just so

so that things stay just the way we know them to be

For if we were to allow one thing to shift

or one unexpected wind to whisper through

We just might discover

that what we think we want

and are actively holding together

so perfectly

in our exceptional box,

might not be the thing we actually desire at all.

That one thing,

the one whisper,

the one hint,

the one sense,

the one knowing

It might destroy the entire illusion.

And if the entire illusion falls

we hold another idea that the entire world,

the entire life will crumble with it.

So we hold on,

desperately taping,


reinforcing the intricately constructed box.

We double down on control,




anything to keep things the way they are.

What is true is that

sometimes that little whisper is just a whisper

with an invitation to shift a thing.

Sometimes it is coming in for a great remodeling

and reorganizing of all the things.

And sometimes it is inviting the box to be complete.

But our minds can make one thing everything.

It is desperate to hold things the way they are,

the way we know they can be handled,

the way we know we can survive.

So it keeps out all whispers,

all wind,

all invitations to reorganize

at all costs.

When what is true is that no box is actually required.

What is true is that the energy directed and used holding and fixing the intricately constructed box is all for nothing.

What is true is that no box is required.

So instead of allowing for things to continuously get even better,

we hold on to things precisely the way they are.

Because somehow we have decided

that keeping things the same

is safer than experiencing




that continuously grows infinitely more exceptional

without our holding or efforting required.

Because what kind of life would that be?