Arriya Kingrey

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Suppressing who we really are IS exhausting...

Exhaustion and discomfort can arise when we are not aligned with our divine POTENTIAL.

This doesn’t mean that you aren’t in alignment with your purpose, but more that you are not aligned with the magnitude of the purpose your soul and self are choosing.

Maybe you are here to be magnificent and trying to stay mundane (consciously or unconsciously) is just wreaking havoc.

It is so normal in our society and culture to not be too great.

Those that are “too great” are delusional, self-centered, egotistical… and on and on.

And yet, we are here to be great.

No, we are great.

So many truly good people who have powerful and potent medicine and contributions to deliver are holding it in, pulling it back, suppressing it.

And when we are in suppression we are causing dis-ease somewhere in the body or the field.

Suppressing who we really are IS exhausting.

Holding in your greatness, trying to cover it up, trying to be whatever “normal” is, just isn’t going to cut it.

Instead, it’s time to be set free, to liberate your magnificence.

That might look like being so bold to create a brand new body of work, paradigm, or concept that hasn’t been seen before - or at least in this lifetime.

It might be naming the super big goal or intention that your soul KNOWS but that you are wishing just weren’t so - consciously or unconsciously.

It might be deciding that the big thing you know you are here to create and experience - humanitarian level impacts, reinventing industries, creating generational wealth - is actually real and true, and not delusions of grandeur.

It might just be that you are operating from the inversion of the inversion.

You might be trying so hard to suppress your true self, that you are ultimately operating from your false self - just so you belong, fit in, and don’t die (on some level).

It is time to be set free.

It is time to be liberated.

It is time to liberate yourself.

Are you ready?

Send me a note and we will see what meets you just so.