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The Co-Creatorship - Up Level with Speed & Ease for Purpose-Driven Visionaries, Creators, Leaders, Entrepreneurs & Parents

Welcome to The Dragon Sphere

Embodied, Emergent Creatorship as New Paradigm Leadership

Prosperity, Peace & Purpose

Rooted in your Mission & Vision


Hi, I’m Arriya,

I support Visionaries, Creatives, Entrepreneurs & Leaders to deliver their dream into reality.

I see you as a powerful creator with your own unique gifts, purpose and expression.

When we work with your unique Energy Design and the Collective Akashic field, we are working with the unknown and sitting at the edge of the great mystery.

THAT is where we meet with just the right medicine, in the right dose, at precisely the right time.

This is an activation, clearing & upgrade; where you create the next evolution of your dream delivered into reality - in alignment with your Soul.


Divine Dreams Delivered 

We are each so powerful - oftentimes so much more than we even let ourselves tap into or work with. 

When we gather the energetic forces present in the Cosmos, the Land, the benevolent energies all around us and our very own vital life force energy, Desires and intentions, we can create and experience magic!

The Co-Creatorship is where we work with the infinite co-creation cycle to discover, develop and deliver your aligned dream and mission into the world with peace and prosperity.. 

This is for Leaders who are committed to creating and delivering their highest level of prospered service in alignment with their gifts and purpose.

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The Embodiment of The Co-Creation Codes & Cycles for



Retreats, Workshops & Classes

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Propel your (business) purpose and prosperity faster (and unlock your infinite creative flow) - in 21 days.


We are working WITH the cosmic energies to support the knowing that’s hanging around the edges. it is time to step into the next level of your leadership, your prosperity, your influence, embodying your Design.


designed to work with Energy, the Akashic Records & Astrology in alignment with Truth and the frequency of Love.

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“Arriya Kingrey is really amazing! This year alone I already doubled my income of what I had last year and its only 7 months into 2020! I wish I would have met Arriya earlier in my life. I could have avoided a lot of headaches and heartaches. Stop thinking about it and just do it. It's absolutely worth it.”



A Free Gift

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Preparing for your next UpLevel

leaders embody their new reality where they can serve with more truth, potent medicine, alignment, and impact (while also receiving clients and new opportunities showing themselves DURING).

And some are still in the medicine of the experience - with support, ceremony, and the deep truth that this can be experienced with ease and alignment with the speed that is precisely right for each person.

Listen to the Sacred Leadership audio on preparing for your Up Level.