PMA Agreement:
This Private Membership Agreement hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”, is entered into and made effective as of the date of enrollment, by and between you, the “Member”, and Temple Creations and Arriya Kingrey, acting as a creator, teacher, consultant, and facilitator;
Temple Creations (Association) and Member may be referred to individually as “Party” and col- lectively as “Parties”; Hereinafter, "you" and other third-person pronouns will refer to Member and “we” will refer to the Parties;
Whereas, Temple Creations is designed for the following purposes: Sharing information, knowledge, teachings, wisdom, insight, reflection, assessment, consultation, practices, energy work, ceremony, activations, transmissions and facilitation, in benevolent service to the individual, our relations, the Land, and all of Creation for liberating our individual and collective original Self, organic creations and original expression as a contribution to the whole; and in benevolent ser- vice to the grand evolutionary path and divine organizing principle;
Whereas, Member would like to join Temple Creations and acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions listed herein;
Now, therefore in consideration of the promises and covenants contained herein, as well as good and valuable consideration of the fee exchanged for enrollment in any offering of Temple Creations, the Parties do agree as follows:
Article 1 - Membership
This Agreement forms a binding agreement, in alignment with Natural Law, between Member and Temple Creations and governs the Member's access and use of the Membership Services. This Agreement also covers Temple Creations’ provision of services (the "Membership Services”);
In the container of Temple Creations we recognize and honor free will choice and self-responsi- bility; Entering into this agreement, you claim your right to manage your energy, mental health, physical well-being, finances, personal and business decisions and actions how you choose; You agree to take full responsibility for the choices you make regardless of any information Temple Creations provides or omits;
You understand that Arriya provides information, energy work, consulting and facilitation in the capacity of a fellow member of Temple Creations and not in the capacity of a licensed health care provider, therapist or financial or legal advisor;
In order to maintain a potent educational and transformational container, we keep the class ma- terials in confidence, within membership of Temple Creations; You will have the opportunity to become an affiliate of certain offerings of Temple Creations, and receive commissions for enrolling friends, family, clients and audiences;
Article 2 - Membership Services
The Membership Services provided by the Association are as follows: Access to enroll in online courses via, its platforms and other providers, access to facilitated ex- periences, access to energy medicine services; Offerings are facilitated by Arriya and guest teachers and consultants; The Membership Services specifically include the ability and responsibility of Temple Creations to deal with third parties, including collaborators, guest teachers, and guest consultants;
Article 3- Member Agreements
Member agrees to hold Temple Creations, its teachers, consultants, facilitators, and members harmless from any damage, tangible or intangible, that may happen to Member while participat- ing in the membership services;
Member agrees that Temple Creations is offering educational content only, and takes full re- sponsibility for choices they make with the information provided; Member agrees to hold Temple Creations and Arriya Kingrey harmless against all liability for any damages that may occur to Member or others because of Member's actions or inactions;
Member agrees that Temple Creations offers its membership and services with no guarantee of results of any kind; Member agrees that any results that occur during their membership, whether positive or negative, are the effects of Member's own personal choices;
Member agrees that you do not represent any Local, State or Federal agency whose purpose is to regulate or approve products or services, the practice of medicine, therapy, or law or to carry out any mission of enforcement, entrapment or investigation;
Member agrees to keep all materials in confidence, and not to share recordings and PDFs out- side of Temple Creations PMA membership;
Article 4 - Dispute Resolution
You understand that, since The Association is protected by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution, it is outside the jurisdiction and authority of Federal and State Agencies and Authorities; Concerning any and all complaints or grievances against The Association members or guest teachers: All rights of complaints or grievances will be settled by an Association designee, committee, or council and will be waived by the member for the benefit of The Association and its members;
By agreeing to this membership you agree that you have sought sufficient education to determine that this is the course of action you want to take for yourself; You fully agree not to pursue any course of legal action against a fellow member of the Association, unless that member has exposed you to a clear and present danger of substantive evil, and upon the recommendation and approval of the Association;
Article 5 - Termination
This Membership shall continue until terminated in writing by either Party, or upon the death of the Member, the liquidation, dissolution or discontinuance of the Association by the Association in any manner, or the filing of any petition by or against the Association; You understand that you can withdraw from this agreement and terminate membership in this association at any time by returning any and all materials provided by Temple Creations with your written termination, and that membership can and will be revoked if you engage in abusive, violent, menacing, destructive or harassing behavior towards any other member of the Association;
You affirm that you are of age, capable of managing your own affairs, and may lawfully consent to and enter into this Agreement, and that you choose to enter into this agreement of your own free will, without any pressure or coercion from anyone; You have read and understood this document, and any questions have been answered to your satisfaction; By checking the box and submitting compensation to enroll in any offering of Temple Creations, you confirm your membership in the Private Membership Association.