Arriya Kingrey

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Akashic Records: Your questions answered…

One of the best things I ever did for my business growth, speed, and results was start working with my Akashic Records. I didn’t start working with the records for my business, it was something I was guided to; I had this sense of just knowing that it was the next step along my path. And since then it has become the most supportive daily practice for me, along with being a powerful creation tool in my business, money, and all aspects of my life!

This is a tool I use with all of my clients and something I teach to each of my private and group clients as well. I love supporting people to be empowered in their own personal development path, trusting their own guidance, and turning their powerful creation energy back to its origination point.

In service to you and your path, if you are feeling curious, feeling the calling, or want to know more, I am answering some of the top questions about the records!

Here are some of the questions I hear about the Akashic Records:

1. What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records is the record of your Soul from it’s origination across all times. There are Record Keepers who are the guides and protectors of this information. All of your experiences, thoughts, beliefs, and beyond are stored here for you to access.

2. Why would I want to access my Akashic Records?

When we begin to work with our Akashic Records and the Record Keepers we are stepping into our role as powerful creators. We are reclaiming our deep partnership with our Soul, receiving the information that is available to us to support us to be wise about the actions we take in all areas of our life. If you are wanting to create a different experience in your life, live aligned with your purpose and your soul’s calling, and be a contribution in the world aligned with your Soul’s deep wisdom, this is a powerful tool to support that.

3. What can I do in my Records?

You have an experience with your Record Keepers, you receive information about important decisions, you can align with your desires, you can connect with and create from your Soul’s true desires. You can bring any question (that is framed from an empowered place) to your record keepers for guidance, wisdom, healing, clearing, and activating.

4. How can I know what I am receiving from my Records is not just from my mind?

This takes place through practice. This is one of the main things people notice after moving through the Level 1 Akashic Records training, that they are able to have an experience in their Records and they know it is not from their mind. How do they know this? As you bring different questions to your records you will receive information that you did not know. It is something that wasn’t a part of your conscious mind or your awareness. But asking the question in your records allows that answer to come forward in a way you are available to receive it. The more you develop a relationship with your Records, the more you will deepen with your experience and what you are available to receive.

Some of the things that people take away from working in their Akashic Records…

1. Strengthening or opening new ways of receiving information, healing, clearings, and activations. So this could be beginning to work with your sense of hearing, or seeing, or sensing or knowing.

2. Knowing when they are receiving guidance from their Records and when it is from the mind or somewhere else.

3. Receiving and developing their body of work or specific ways of developing their unique creations into the world.

4. Align with their true Soul’s desire to create the specific money flows (like $20k in one week), or new clients coming to them on auto pilot.

5. The knowing that they have access to all of their answers.

What questions do you have about the Akashic Records?

Are you feeling the pull to go further and learn to read your records while being guided and supported to that place where you know you are receiving divine guidance that you can trust, receive deep healings and clearings, and activate the life and business you truly desire to create?

We have the next Akashic Records Level 1 workshop coming up October 22-24. If you are not able to participate live, send me a note, we have a few other options to support you to get started right away!

I invite you to join us for this powerful experience learning or deepening in this potent resource.

You can join us HERE
Or comment below with any questions you have.