The 8 Stages of the Creation Cycle

As creators who are creating their own path, we can hear the teachings and experiences of becoming and unbecoming often filled with tremendous amounts of suffering and disruption as a normal part of the path.

I don’t disagree that we need to experience the “deaths” as a part of our becoming and unbecoming. 

But I do believe that we have a much more shocking and challenging time with it when we are sitting in the dying with loads of resistance compounding the level of discomfort. 

Not to mention, not having some context about what comes next or where you are on this map.

What I have discovered is that having an understanding of the framework of the 8 Stages of the Creation Cycle (for New Paradigm Creators & Leaders) can create a much more gracious, benevolent, and gentle experience.

There are few things that support the continuous creation cycle…

Knowing the path - knowing what might be coming can ready all parts of our self to move through this with more ease and grace.

Knowing where you are in the cycle - sometimes we just don’t know we are in the middle of the death, or we are being made new, or that if we were to add a little of this or that it would support it so much more gently.

Understanding what the identity death or dying part is like and what your system is desiring or needing to support this next transformation.

Knowing that you can do the dying thing again and again and again, without the story or the meaning that the mind makes about it, it can be such a completely different experience. 

Having a felt sense of the death experience WITH THE BODY, not only at the level of the mind changes the whole experience.

Choosing the dying or the death creates more ease than resisting it or not knowing that’s what’s happening. 

When we choose the dying experience again and again we can have smaller experiences instead of having to save it up for a big huge “change everything in your life all at once” moment.

And we can work with the smaller and bigger transformations together!

We are not skipping the dying,

we are not bypassing the transformations,

we are not pretending there are not illusions falling away.

Instead we are choosing to be refined again and again and again. 

When we are willing to say,

oh, I’m dying and here’s what that means,

here’s what my mind thinks that means,

here’s where my brain is trying to figure out something that is unfigureoutable,

there reveals another path, one that is rooted and foundational as wholeness. 

So let’s CREATE. 

Let’s do some dying. 

Let’s normalize that cycle. 

We can move through these transformations with so much more ease and grace, and with actual beauty, magic, and miracles. 

We need not be afraid. 

We can work with the Creation Cycle and Stages and walk our path with our creations from a place of joy and play - instead of push and pressure.

What are you noticing?

Arriya Kingrey