Arriya Kingrey

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The Vastness of your Vision...

There is something that happens for visionary creators where the sense of the vision they know they are here to create is outside of their conscious awareness.

There is a sense of the expansiveness and vastness of what they are to bring into form, but it is met with “reality” and “what is possible”.

Somewhere along the way the parts of the dream or the vision that were hanging around the edges waiting to be received start to shut down, the expansiveness of the possibility of their creations begins to become more subtle, and ever more quiet.

But yet, that deep impulse within that points them in the direction continues to pulse, to move, to deliver them in the direction of where they are moving - with or without their conscious awareness.

And sometimes those amazing visionary-disruptor-creators find their way to me and we get to create magic together!

It often starts with aligning to and embodying more purpose, peace AND prosperity - because they are not here for settling, compromise, or any one of the 3.

It is about the harmonic and the fullness that is present when living all three together.

And this “no settling or compromise” is not an ego thing either, it is literally in their divine design, so we tend to do some reorganizing here to come back to alignment with their true knowing - releasing all the programming and patterns that has become so normal in their day to day.

We return to the magic, the magnificence, and the magnitude of who they are and what they are creating.

They may come looking for more fullness, purpose, pleasure, meaning while doing things their way - and along the way they reunite with the vastness of their dreams, only now they can see how this is the reality that is unfolding for them and through them.

My realtor clients may want to have more boundaries, balance and $, and then they discover that they have something that when allowed to flourish is a true gift.

That becomes hiring team, working their magic with their clients while watching clients appear, deals closing effortlessly, and adding multiple businesses.

The idea of having a team at one time seemed perhaps ego driven, now is an ‘of course’.

The idea of owning multiple properties and growing their investment portfolio seemed so far reaching, now is a reality and continuing to grow with so much ease.

My clients who are working with others through their own services and businesses are letting go of the idea that you have to work hard and put in the time and are finding that being themselves IS THE WAY TO GO.

And beyond that, they have some things to say, they have some industries to change, and they are not just having the sense, they are actually doing it.

As we go along the way we are working in close partnership with your divine design and guidance,

when we clear away the resistance, and the commitment or attachment to not standing out or being different,

everything speeds up -

in a way where it feels quiet and still and calm and just right.

Stepping into the vastness of their whole vision - the one that continues to evolve and unfold in perfect time - did not destroy anything, it didn’t push away those they loved, it didn’t disconnect them from living life.

It enriched it, it unfolded in ways that are beyond what their minds could literally come up with, because we are not creating from the mind.

We are creating from wholeness.

And from there, anything and everything is possible.