Embody your Brilliance

This is about creating the life you desire and coming into the body, expanding what you are available to receive, experience, and be with, and activating the co-creation energies for your big mission/vision/purpose/creations


Peace & Prosperity: Embody Your Brilliance - Group program 

for high achievers ready for deep fulfillment, meaning, and purpose - cause they know they can do the other, no it’s time to do it for real the only way they are here to create - on their terms, with their unique definition of success: 

  • Get grounded, connect with the land 

  • Astro overview

  • HD overview

  • Come into the body, release disconnect at the throat/neck

  • Discover stillness

  • Come down into the body and have an experience of the belly, the spine, the womb, the tail bone with stillness. 

  • Move through an experience of aligning with and refining your system to what is True - through the records and through the astro stillness experiences.

Keep your Self/Essence/Chi strong so you stay who you say you are

be strong in your self so you can trust yourself, listen to your intuition/knowing, and not be distracted or distorted or influenced negatively.  Be strong in your truest self so you are the truest version of your leadership energy and can show up as the true essence of leadership that you are here for.  The one who has discernment, who can be with the unknown and the known, the one who can be available to be transformed, the one who can continue to evolve and grow to be the fullest truest version of themselves in all times, in all ways. 

  • Recognizing karmic patterns

  • Owning your authorship

  • Navigating the fears

  • Liberating yourself from the fear of speaking up and speaking out 

  • Owning your worth 

  • Life and Business Harmony 

Feature 3

Integer tempus, elit in laoreet posuere, lectus neque blandit dui, et placerat urna diam mattis orci. Quisque congue porttitor ullamcorper.