We are currently taking appointments for Quantum Bio-Frequency healing sessions to assist you in addressing and relieving symptoms from anxiety, stress, depression, headaches, fatigue, disconnection, heightened emotional states, physical discomfort and concerns, immune function and more.

Through assessment, and in conjunction with the IMAET Advanced Stress Relief Biofeedback system, a biofeedback and relaxation management instrument, we can assist you in restoring the balance of energy to support physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The non-invasive device records reactive informational potentials provided by the client into computer software that evaluates the responses. The IMAET device then assists the body’s own relaxation and stress management mechanisms by encouraging a sense of harmony and balance.

Please reach out with questions at arriya@arriyakingrey.com and I will reply within 2-3 business days.

Learn More or Sign up for an appointment HERE.

What People are Saying…

“Arriya’s capacity for creating healing is amazing! Her work in the world brings clarity, vastness, expansion and magic, as well as the gift of self-healing, to her clients.

My experience with remote biofeedback has been, like all my work with Arriya, soothing and spacious. For me, during the session, it feels like a lightening of body and spirit, like being a balloon as it is gently filled. I have experienced a feather-light sensation of the clearing and cleaning of subtle energies. This creates is extremely supportive sense of wholeness and openness that beautifully holds the deep work I am doing.

I also experienced rapid physical healing on an acute injury with the biofeedback. I couldn’t recommend working with Arriya (for quantum biofeedback and all of her other offerings) more! Absolutely life-changing!!”



Disclaimer: Please note that this is energy frequency healing and is not to be substituted for medical advice or treatment.