Create your next money up level so you can bring your big mission, vision, and purpose into the world with more reach, more impact, and more service.
Bring your next level money vision into form and into reality (work with the omega daily practice from nothing into form direction).
Embody it as your new normal. Discover what actions, insights, knowings, and deep ways of being in aligned service come through you from there - instead of trying to solve it and figure it out in your mind.
Experience a potent and powerful paradigm shift with the specific medicine that meets you and your path at this moment for your unique next big leap.
Be propelled forward in alignment with your big vision and mission. Allowing your vision to be just the right level of expansiveness to hold what is possible and what is wanting to be brought into form next now.
During these 4 weeks together we will move through a deep and profound energetic upgrade working with the Akashic records, healing and activations, ceremony, and deep shifts in your system to align you with this next level of the vision you are now holding.
This is NOT a teaching program. This is an experience. This is where you will be guided and held in the magic of this space, this medicine, your design, and your magic to co-create your next level in alignment with your divine service.
Money is one of our resources that supports us to bring our big vision into the world with more ease and speed. And here we will be supporting all the levels of your system - your nervous system, your emotional body, your energetic body, your mental body, and your field - with the cosmos and the Land.
This supports you to step into the next most aligned and powerful step along your path without all the mental gymnastics, to-do lists, or remembering a new way of Being.
This is where you are receiving the guidance and allowing it to arise from within to borough out into the world in aligned and divine service.
We are not smashing it, pushing hard, effort into all over the place. We are resting into the depth of the wisdom that is all around us waiting to be received, integrated, and embodied. So it can come into form and be of service in the highest expression of your cosmic design and your human purpose.
What my clients say…
Made $45,600 last month so beautifully, so excited about that, felt really good and honoring. People are making money around me now and before they weren’t. Thanks so much for being so key in my up leveling - you are a Gift of Gold - Highly recommend this work!
- J.C.
Before The Rapid Up Level my life felt tight. Like I wanted to grow and expand, but just couldn’t push out and do it! I had the most amazing experience during the Up Level. It was this very clear and strong message that i have the ability to manifest ANYTHING, and I received immediate verification the hour after that session ending. My team met and exceeded our goals for this year!
During these 4 weeks together you will:
Experience 2 sessions each week, 8 total - recorded and/or live
Live support to put eyes on your specific up level stage, and what supports you to be propelled into the next level
Ceremony, sound, energy activations and clearings in the Akashic Records
Move through the preparation, the up level, and the integration and embodiment
Support in the Facebook group
This is NOT for people who are looking for specific business advice or guidance from another person, but for people who have a sense or already KNOW that they are here to bring their work, their creations, into the world on their terms - even if they don’t know what that is exactly yet.
This is for people who:
Are near or have surpassed the 6 figure level in their business committed to creating the next big up level so they can create a bigger impact through the delivery of their creations in service.
Have already created some success in their business and they know they are here for a bigger vision and mission.
Are anchored in the energy of what is possible and what is next
Have been sitting at a money set point and have a sense that it’s something deeper than “do more” or “learn more” and are ready to actually deeply shift their experience - even if their mind isn’t able to track what that is.
Have done some energy work in the past or are comfortable with allowing things to be easier than the traditional “think harder”, “work harder” perspective
Are committed to delivering their big mission, purpose, and vision
Are seated in personal responsibility
Have a daily practice or are able to be in an experience of quiet, stillness, or meditation.