Create more peace & prosperity throughout all aspects of your life and business, create the impact you are here for, on your terms 


Unhook yourself from:

External Validation

External Motivation

External Control

External Power

How are these energies and dynamics keeping you from the level of impact, prosperity, and service you are here to experience? 

These are 4 core energies that are running across our systems, our lives, and our businesses. 

For those who are here to create change in their family, communities, or the world, we need to UNHOOK from these core energies so we can align with what is true and in service of the creation and impact you are here to bring forward - on your terms. 

These show up subtlety and explicitly across how we experience our creativity and creation energy, our leadership presence, our family and relationship dynamics, money, impact, presence, and on and on. 

We can keep addressing the symptoms of these as they appear in our businesses or we can heal and shift it at the root. 


What you might be noticing… 

Not knowing what to offer

Trying new strategies, techniques, approaches, and mentors, leaving you feeling exhausted or like you are chasing your tail 

Being distracted by what others are doing and allowing it to inform your strategy and approach

Seeking external inputs in all areas of business from offers, to pricing, to messaging… to overgiving, overdoing and people pleasing. 

You might feel confused, a lack of clarity, overwhelmed, exhausted, burned out, depleted, frustrated, angry… 

And you want to feel lit up, inspired, propelled forward by your big mission, vision and purpose. 

To do what you are here for - as a changemaking leader, CEO, visionary, creative - it is critical that you UNHOOK yourself from these external influences so you can experience the next level of impact, leadership, vision, prosperity, and freedom that is available.  

Working with these energies support you to reconnect to your own power, your internal guidance system, your internal motivation and approval.  This will support you to experience the next level of your business, parenting, relationships, money, team, and partnerships, from a place of inner sovereignty, true connection, and truth. 

When we unhook at the root from these energies, you can bring your unique gifts, vision and mission into the world - your way.

I invite you to experience a new level of freedom from these external influences so you can be crystal clear in your own path, your own wisdom and guidance, the stuff that is so genius you couldn’t think it up, and it isn’t for anyone else!

I invite you to step into a ceremonial experience with other change makers and vision holders to release and recreate the new version of you that is ready to emerge. 

I invite you to unhook your impact, your leadership, your power - and ultimately your business and money so you can be free to be the next fullest expressed version of you.


What does this look like…

  • We will gather together in ceremonial space virtually over the course of 21 days, releasing the next layers of these core energetic influences at the root. 

  • We will gather together LIVE for 3 retreat ceremonial experiences. These experiences will each be 3 hours and include energy clearings, activations, personalized guidance and support based on your cosmic design, and ceremony. 

  • You will receive 3 recordings in between our live retreat and ceremony experiences. These recordings are created in ceremony and in the Akashic Records to support the deep clearing and repatterning of these core 4 energetic influences.

  • We will have a closing completion and integration live call. 

I support people to move through powerful and profound up levels where we get to BE the next fullest version of ourselves - and experience the external reflection of that in our lives and businesses. 

Some of the recent outcomes experienced by my clients…

  • Being invited to speak and participate in industry leaders events

  • Doubling your usual monthly sales, from $40k-$80k in weeks

  • Getting 3 executive offers when it’s time to get the position where you contribute your true gifts, without compromise

  • Receiving 3 of your next level dream clients within days

  • BEING the next level leader of your vision, mission, and movement

  • Discovering and becoming the next level of your purpose

  • Building out your team and attracting ideal team members

If you are ready to get to the root and UNHOOK Your Impact in a deep and meaningful way, without months of weekly sessions, boxes of Kleenex, or years of mindset work… 

I invite you to experience UNHOOK Your Impact in this ceremonial alchemical experience where we work with the energetic and cosmic influences, in connection with the Land, in ceremony, to allow ourselves to be reforged into the next fullest expression of yourself - free of these external power and control mechanisms. 

This experience is both emergent and foundational. We will have the opportunity to heal, clear, upgrade, and refine some foundational programs, imprints, and patterns.  And we have the opportunity to meet the specific energies emerging through this experience.

  • We will gather together in ceremonial space virtually over 21 days.  

  • We will gather together LIVE for 3 retreat ceremonial experiences, each 3 hours. 

  • We will have a closing completion and integration live call. 

  • You will receive 3 recordings with powerful activations and clearings to support you in releasing these core 4 energetic influences.


Who this is for…

This is for changemaking leaders, CEO’s, entrepreneurs, visionaries and creatives.  For those who are here to bring their change into their family, their community, or the world, on their terms.  

They know that other people’s strategies and tactics are great for others, but that’s not the thing for them.  They are here to birth their own way - and they want it to be as gentle, benevolent, beautiful, and speedy as possible. 

Without skipping over, bypassing, or faking it til you make it.

This is for those who have been on their path of personal development and transformation, have had their awakening or initiatory experience and choose something more gentle, more speedy, and more potent for each of their up levels. 

This is for those leaders who value working the energetic at the root so they can go further faster.

This is for leaders who know that being personally responsible and self-directed is the way of the future and know that as they continually step into the next fullest expression of themselves, more and more magic and miracles continue to be offered along their path. 

This is for those who are ready to experience gentle, benevolent, deeply supportive, powerful and potent transformation without it having to be so hard or take so long. 


This is not for people who…

Are attached to things being so hard and taking so long in order to create powerful and potent change. 

Are attached to the way things are, even though they know they are being invited into a new way. 

Are attached to someone else telling them the step by step instructions of their divine design or want to think or figure everything out at the level of the mind.

Because you are creating your life on your terms, it’s time to free yourself from the conscious and unconscious patterns, programs, imprints, belief systems and structures. Unhooking from that which is holding you in a false construct no longer serving the fullest expression of yourself, your divine design, and your most exalted path.

You will… 

  • Experience freedom and expansion of your next level vision, mission, or purpose

  • Activate and embody your gifts, creativity and creations 

  • Unlock the next level of your co-creative energies 

  • Activate and amplify the next level of your peace and prosperity

  • Create the vision you are here for free of the external programs

  • Propel your business, vision, and money in the direction of your driving design, freeing yourself of the visible and invisible patterns of external influence and control.

This will support you to create the solid foundation to take off in the direction of your big true and right vision - not the one that is compromised, settled, or the right fit to be small and acceptable. The one that is here to create the change you are really here to create, and the size and impact that is what you are HERE for.

During this time you will experience support in the group space to move through your programming, imprints, and conditioning. 

You will have access to all recordings. 

The investment for this potent ceremonial experience to UNHOOK your Impact is $997 or 2 payments of $550.

When you enroll you will also receive a master akashic records energy clearing and activation to get started right away! 

Are you ready? 

*Have questions, message me HERE