Have you ever reached a big goal and then felt eh?

  • Maybe you finally hit that big $ goal but still want to curl up under the covers at the thought of delivering.

  • Maybe you delivered your great work but you are not receiving prosperously - at the level you desire.

  • Maybe you are feeling so much stress that it has you disconnected from yourself, your magic, your vision.

Many years ago when I hit a big money goal I felt both proud of myself and also like I had just trapped myself into another JOB.  One where I could make good money if I did some things, but it just so happened that those things actually drained the life out of me. 

I have never been a person that is solely motivated by money, even though creating wealth is an important part of my design and my body of work. 

So when I was in sales and we had to go go go to hit a big quota, that wasn’t a thing that would drive me. 

I have to be driven internally instead of externally.  

So after starting my own business, thinking this would be the thing that would have me feeling so satisfied and fulfilled, I reached a big money goal and still was left feeling depleted and drained. 

The thing that was under all of that was that I was still doing it other people’s way, I was still following other people’s strategies, and even doing what I could do even though it wasn’t what truly felt fulfilling. 

Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean it’s yours to do. 

But I didn’t yet know what would feel truly fulfilling.  I have had to walk that path and listen deeply while continually discovering the core truths of who I am, what my gifts are, and how I want to be of service.  

And even that path doesn’t have a final destination. 

What I realized along the way is the thing that makes something truly fulfilling for me is what I call the Golden Trinity of Peace, Purpose, and Prosperity.  

When we work with one without the other, it can still feel like it’s missing the depth, the meaning, the experience, the quality. 

What is truly important to me is to deliver my contribution in the world in the way that is aligned, that feels fulfilling, that meets me and my whole life - including my family - while experiencing the prosperity of the whole. 

Is there a piece missing in your foundation?  

  • Are you creating your purposeful work but stressed and sleepless?

  • Are you making the dollars, but feeling unfulfilled, overwhelmed and compromised?

  • Do you feel the peace but are lacking the meaningful contribution that you are here for and the prosperous receiving?

What would contribute to your greater experience of wholeness, depth, and fulfillment? 

When I am experiencing the whole, I can feel connected to play, joy, and creativity.  And those are strongly indicated in my cosmic design.  I can feel that in my body, and it feels so deeply fulfilling and meaningful.  

So with the frame of the foundation as a triad, it can feel more sturdy, more whole, and more supportive.
What are you noticing? 

Are you ready to create, deliver, and receive from wholeness as the magic that you are? Click here to connect and see what will meet you just so.

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